Sunday, July 5, 2015

Discover Forever Newsletter July 2015 is Out!

The Discover Forever July 2015 newsletter is out.

It has exciting news stories of success, perseverance and lists the people on top of the game.
Here are the highlights of July 2015 newsletter:

Forever Chairman Rex Maughan in an exclusive interview talks dreams, accomplishments, 

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Forever Living Merchandise now Available

Forever Living Merchandise is now exclusively available at the Forever India Office and its centers.

 The strikingly attractive shirt will be a star attraction for all the FLP distributors in India as it will help them attract more attention at seminars.

Imagine the huge impact on customers when you wear one such Forever ' Goodness of Aloe' shirt to the new client or even on a regular client meeting. It sure takes your pitch to another level. Available at a very attractive price, these shirts and other merchandise surely make a great collection for all the Forever Health and Wellness enthusiasts.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Reports Confirm Aloe Vera as Nature's Miracle Plant

Aloe Vera Gel is used across the world for its incredible benefits. No wonder it has been the most sought after plant since the Egyptians existed around the river Nile.

Aloe Vera Gel has been sinces ages regarded as a herbal remedy. The oral consumption of Aloe Vera leaf gel extracts has been promoted for detoxification and skin cell repair apart from various other benefits.

Here are some of the major reports that highlight the powerful benefits of the Aloe Vera plant and how it is so effective in healing and curing major prevailing health and wellness related problemsscholar articles that point to the fact that indeed Aloe Vera has tremendous benefits and offers so much more.

 Composition and Applications of Aloe vera Leaf Gel

Many of the health benefits associated with Aloe vera have been attributed to the polysaccharides contained in the gel of the leaves. These biological activities include promotion of wound healing, antifungal activity, hypoglycemic or anti-diabetic effects anti-inflammatory, anticancer, immunomodulatory and gastroprotective properties.

Aloe vera has been used for many centuries for its curative and therapeutic properties

Anti-diabetic effects

"Several pre-clinical (in animals) and clinical (in humans) trials showed a blood glucose lowering
effect for A. vera gel preparations in different forms (e.g. juice or as constituents in bread etc.)"

"In a study on streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats, oral administration of A. vera gel (alcohol
insoluble residue extract) significantly reduced the fasting blood glucose, hepatic transaminases,
plasma and tissue cholesterol, triglicerides, free fatty acids and phospholipids and in addition also
significantly increased plasma insulin levels."

Now before you rush to get hold of your aloe vera plant in your garden, you must also know that there are more than 300 varities of Aloe Vera, and not all of them are equally beneficial. So on one hand we have the Aloe Barbadensis Miller, rated as the best among the Aloe Vera plant varities and on the other hand is the wild Aloe Vera plant growing among wild plants. Here is what the report says about these different varities.

"Differences in plant composition due to geographic location as well as differences in gel
extraction methods and sample preparation techniques have contributed to discrepancies in the results
obtained from many studies in terms of the chemical composition and biological activities of Aloe vera leaf gel."

Aloe Vera

Antibacterial activities and antioxidant capacity of Aloe vera

The report highlights the powerful benefits of Aloe Vera and how it has been used in various forms to heal and cure for its incredible features.

"Apart from Aloe being used extensively in the cosmetic industry, it has been described for centuries for its laxative, anti-inflammatory, immuno-stimulant, antiseptic, wound and burn healing, anti-ulcer, anti-tumor, and anti-diabetic activities."

"This report  highlights that due to its phytochemical composition, Aloe Vera Leaf Gel (Aloe barbadensis Miller)may show promise in alleviating symptoms associated with/or prevention of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, neuro-degeneration, and diabetes."

The Aloe Vera Miracle

The report highlights how Aloe Vera is a natural herbal medicine for cancer, cholestrol, diabetes, inflammation, IBS and other health conditions. With its miraculous healing abilities, Aloe Vera offers much more than its benefits through topical applications.

"For starters, there’s the fact that all succulents have self-repairing abilities. They don’t simply store water in a giant internal “water tank” that leaks out if torn or punctured: Their internal gel repairs any cut or tear by automatically shrinking the wound and creating a new water-tight seal."

"Scientific research shows strong immunomodulatory and anti-tumour properties for AloeVera
polysaccharides. That means the gel helps boosts immune system function while destroying cancer "

The report further highlights how Aloe Vera gel can boosts immune function, halts inflammation, enhances skin health, stabilizes blood sugar in diabetics, lowers cholestrol, relives joint and muscle pain, acts as a natural immune booster and much much more. It is an amazing report which clearly lists out the benefits of Aloe Vera.

Aloe Vera Gel thus has powerful medicinal properties and it is never too late to start using it for a vibrant health and wellness for you and your family